Here's a few pics of the last site (La Mailleraye-Sur-Seine) as promised in the last post. See if you can spot Alfie, he's a friend of my mothers, she sent him along to keep me company....
& here's one of the River Seine, just a short walk from the site...
So, I left that site (I'm not spelling it again!) & headed towards Alencon, which is between Le Mans & Caen, the actual place I was headed for was a small town called Essay (much easier to spell), about 18km north east of Alencon, where a municipal site was listed, but no address was included in the listing, or at least no address the sat-nav could find, this is where the sat-nav & myself had our first argument.
I thought "bugger it!" & just programmed in "Essay" & figured I would find the site from there.
When I got there it was about lunch time, so the small town of Essay, which actually turns out to be a small village, was deserted, I simply followed signs for the camp site & found it, no trouble at all. When I got there it appeared to be another case of; no manager, just pick a spot & pitch up, so I had a good look around the 30 or so pitches, all divided by hedges, & found every single one to be vacant! I tested the tap at the water point, which worked, & had a look at the toilet & shower block, which was all very basic but fully functional, it all seemed very strange & a bit eerie to be honest, but I liked the look of the town & was more than ready for lunch, so I pitched up & had something to eat.
I tried my best to read the posters on the small hut, & found one for a local guest house, so off I went for some information, only to find all residents were German & only the teenage boy among them spoke any English. He managed to tell me the camp site had nothing to do with them, but that I should check in with the local tourist information office, which I did.
So, here I am, on a completely empty site on the outskirts of a tiny little village in north west France. I'm almost out of tobacco & completely out of wine, so now lunchtime is almost over (which is difficult to tell over here, except that McDonalds has almost emptied) I'm going to look for a "Tabac" & a supermarket on my drive back to the lonely site, just hoping that someone else comes to join me there (but no noisy German caravanners like last time!).
Anyway, here's a couple of pics....
I suppose I should also take this opportunity to thank all of my family (who thought I would never actually make it out here in the first place) especially my sister in law, Rhiannon, who woke me up last wednesday morning with a cup of coffee (instant) & some toast & made sure I was up in time to catch my ferry.
Also, I will soon be writing a bit about myself, as some of you know me from the camping forum (, some of you will know me from the car forum (, some from facebook & others will be friends & family.
My aim will be to try & mix it up as much as possible, with a bit about me, a bit about the camping & camp sites & a bit about the car (which has been absolutely faultless up to now, fingers crossed).
I hope you're enjoying it so far, until the next time.....
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