Tuesday, 17 August 2010

So little time & so little money

Sorry guys, I've been in such a rush these last few days to get back to Dunkirk I simply haven't had time to update, I haven't even had time to write something on open-office & paste it up here. I'm sat on the ferry now, it's about 2:00am local time, I managed to jump the queue from my original 4:00am booking, although I can't think why, as I've no money & none of my family (in Sussex) will be up when I get back, but the car's falling to bits & I'm ready for home now.

The last few days will be reported in my usual detail, all in due course. But I've done about 450km today & had no sleep yet, I'm not likely to sleep until at least this afternoon either, as I've got a very wet tent to dry out somewhere & plenty to do besides. The trouble is I still think I'm about 21 & can still go for days, which I can't. Camping's hard work, but has its' rewards.
I've taken plenty of pics though & have a few good stories left to tell, including a piece about all the little bits I forgot along the way, which is already started & has been slowly added to.
All in good time folks, I'm off for another coffee


  1. He! He! Hope the weather improved. We drove the last 200mls to Dunc yesterday & it pissed down all the way. We got the 4pm boat, so yer wern't far behind us. We were nr you in't Dordogne last wk as well! Regarder Billy(aka Tentz)

  2. Looking forward to your next blog, completely with you on not wanting to come home, but I'm 42 with with 4 kids and a mortgage, if I had my time again I'd just jump in with both feet and follow my dreams. We stayed an extra night on the med last week thinking I was still young enough to bomb all the way up to calais in a day.....gave up at Vichy and booked into a motel. Good luck with everything Kyla x
